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Melody Dia

Melody Dia is a proud Nyul Nyul woman born and raised in Broome, Western Australia. She has a mixed heritage of Indonesian, Indian and European – a typical reflection of Broome’s pearling history. After watching the stage play Bran Nue Dae as a young girl and discovering Shakespeare in high school, Melody developed an avid interest in the written word, writing and performance poetry. She is now a popular fixture at the Broome’s Corrugated Lines Writer’s Festival Spoken Word Event.

Melody has worked in pubs/kitchens, classrooms, mine sites and offices. Her current job in aged care regularly takes her across the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Melody has been a participant of the Goolarri Writer’s program since 2014 where she began writing FIFO – Fit In or F**k Off!, which was selected for the 2019 Yellamundie First Nations Play Festival as part of the Sydney International Arts Festival, directed by Rachel Maza. It went on to be co-produced by Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company and Goolarri Media, premiering in October 2020

Melody is currently working on her second play.

Titles by Melody Dia