Magabala Books Magabala Books Australia’s leading Indigenous publisher Support us

We respectfully caution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers that this website contains images of people who have passed away.


Our partners

Our partnerships are vital to ensuring the diversity and dynamism of our publishing program and social impact projects is realised. We couldn’t do all that we do without the incredible support of our major government, corporate, community and philanthropic partners. 

Magabala Books receives financial assistance from the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the State Government of Western Australia through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

We also receive project funding and in kind support from the following organisations and foundations:

We’re grateful to the following philanthropic partners for their generous support.


We’re grateful to the following philanthropic partners for their generous support:

We would also like to acknowledge the wide-range of individual donors, whose generous contributions support our ongoing cultural and social initiatives.